Natalie Foster: Fighting for America’s Next Economy by Raising the Floor for Everyone

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How would America’s economy change if we could guarantee financial support for everyone? In this conversation with Natalie Foster, Economic Security Project president and author of The Guarantee, we explore how stability can be found for American people if the government provides an economic floor through which no one can fall and that can provide guaranteed income.

With a deep passion for helping people achieve financial and interpersonal freedom and an illustrious career in the pursuit of justice, Natalie believes that America can mold into its next economy if the government takes steps towards providing guarantees for its people. She explains what guaranteed income is, why it is valuable, the importance of housing security, what her company, Economic Security Project does, and so much more! She goes on to emphasize her hopes for federal change before discussing the guaranteed income pilots that act as an example to the government of the transformational impact guaranteed income will have. She even shares how we can get involved in ensuring a future of ‘guarantees’. Finally, our guest talks about the role that debt plays in freedom for Americans. 

For an awe-inspiring and insightful conversation about economic transformation with a true advocate for change and human flourishing, tune into this episode of Next Economy Now!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Natalie shares how she became interested in her work and the pursuit of justice. [01:33]

  • What gives Natalie hope and makes her excited about the economy right now. [03:04]

  • Our guest tells us about Economic Security Project and what they do. [04:24]

  • What guaranteed income is, examples of its demonstrations, and criticisms of it. [07:04]

  • How parallels between housing security and economic security show up in her work. [14:19]

  • Natalie tells us about her hopes and dreams for the transformation of the government. [15:58]

  • Guarantees provided by the federal government versus guaranteed income pilots. [19:19]

  • How people can get involved in progressing towards this future of ‘guarantees’. [21:30]

  • Natalie shares a story about the debt collective and some parting words for listeners. [23:02]



“The last 50 years of policy making has left us brittle in debt and yet the economy booms on.” — @nataliefoster [0:04:00]

“Guaranteed income is the idea that there is a cash floor through which no one can fall. – There are regular cheques with no strings attached sent to families.” — @nataliefoster [0:07:12]

“We have a guarantee of homelessness. It is guaranteed that if you leave housing entirely to the private market, you will have the unhoused.” — @nataliefoster [0:17:01]

“The purpose of [the economy] should be human flourishing. – It should be dignity and freedom and presence.” — @nataliefoster [0:17:47]

“[Freedom] is actually about interconnected freedom; freedom to be with the people we love [and] to build with the people we love. If we are working hand-to-mouth [and] if we are working three jobs to put food on the table, we can’t do that [and] we aren’t free.” — @nataliefoster [0:28:08]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Natalie Foster: 

Natalie Foster on LinkedIn: 

Natalie Foster on X: 

Natalie Foster on Instagram: 

The Guarantee: Inside the Fight for America’s Next Economy: 

Economic Security Project: 

Rebuild the Dream:
The Child Tax Credit: 

Debt Collective: 

Aisha Nyandoro on LinkedIn: 

Tara Raghuveer on LinkedIn: 

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Music by Chris Zabriskie: