Leah Hunt-Hendrix: Building the Next Economy in Solidarity with Resistance Movements

Next Economy Now highlights the leaders who are taking a regenerative, bio-regional, equitable, transparent, and whole-systems approach to using business as a force for good. 

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Leah Hunt-Hendrix has her doctorate from Princeton University in Religion, Ethics and Politics. Born and raised in New York City, she has spent the past decade at the intersection of theory and practice, combining a study of moral philosophy and democratic theory with research around the world in grassroots organizing and social movements. She has lived and worked in Egypt, Syria, and Palestine, where she focused her research on the effects of international aid and development, and the history of popular protest. She is the co-founder of Solidaire, an organization that provides support for social movements.

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Some highlights from Kevin’s interview with Leah include:

  • How economic justice intersects with racial justice, how economic democracy & political democracy intersect, and how Solidaire brings philanthropic support to these spaces with a vision for inclusive populist movements that tie these threads together

  • Leah summarizes Movement Generation’s 3-stage process for advancing & solidifying systemic/structural change

  • Leah shares examples of her work advancing the cooperative economy & climate justice







LIFT Economy is an impact consulting firm whose mission is to create, model, and share a locally self-reliant economy that works for the benefit of all life.

Kevin Bayuk works at the intersection of ecology and economy where permaculture design meets next economy organizations intent on meeting human needs while enhancing the conditions conducive to all life. He is a co-founder and  partner with LIFT Economy, the Senior Financial Fellow at Project Drawdown and a founding partner of the Urban Permaculture Institute.  You can follow Kevin on Twitter @kevinbayuk or email him kevin@lifteconomy.com.