Next Economy Living

Janelle Orsi: What if No One Could Save Money?

What would life look like if saving money became impossible for everyone? In this thought-provoking episode of Next Economy Now, Janelle Orsi, lawyer, writer, cartoonist, and activist for social and environmental justice, shares her journey of questioning traditional systems. From her early days as a “sharing lawyer” to her leadership at the Sustainable Economies Law Center, Janelle explores how wealth redistribution, Indigenous land relationships, and love-driven collaboration can redefine society.

Kevin Bayuk and Erin Axelrod: Next Economy Living

No matter how much you've aligned your lifestyle with your values, there’s always room to take it further. Next Economy Living, a new online course from LIFT Economy, is designed to fill essential knowledge gaps and empower those eager to build the next economy. In this episode, we dive into the course concept and share actionable tips for your next steps, such as budgeting, investing in durable goods, and navigating administrative hurdles.

You’ll hear about our vision for Next Economy Living and why it's core to living our values. We discuss the diverse range of people who can benefit from this knowledge and explore the course’s unique framework, outlining the incremental steps participants might take. Registrations are open for our upcoming free Next Economy Living Q&A sessions, where we’ll preview upcoming trainings. If resources are a barrier, please reach out via email or social media. We look forward to seeing you there!

Key Points:

  • Next Economy Living: its purpose, goals, and how it fits within Next Economy Now [0:01:28]

  • What’s at stake in reimagining the way we meet our needs in the current system [0:09:29]

  • The intended audience and the ultimate goal of Next Economy Living [0:20:41]

  • How the course can benefit those engaged in aid, activism, or those with access to wealth [0:30:51]

  • The framework for “next steps” and participant-driven learning [0:34:00]

  • Practical next steps that participants will discover in the course [0:39:03]

  • The overlap between cutting expenses, building skills, and finding growth areas [0:43:01]

  • How everyone, regardless of their involvement in the next economy, can identify a next step [0:47:41]


  • “One of the challenges and opportunities that we often provocatively try and present is to rethink the economy from a principles-first perspective.” — @kevinbayuk [0:04:46]

  • “It’s not just about changing the nature of business. It’s actually about changing the nature of culture and how we think about our needs.” — @kevinbayuk [0:08:57]

  • “We’re going to create, in the container of the learning community, a place where people can request or solicit feedback, advice, and resources for taking their next step.” — @kevinbayuk [0:38:18]

  • “We are going to hold people in a compassionate, accountable, loving embrace as we support them in taking that step.” — @erinaxelrod [0:41:06]

  • “Even building community is a next step that many can take.” — @erinaxelrod [0:46:19]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Next Economy Living: Katy Bowman on Finding Ways to Move More

The links between movement and wellness are not easily disputed, and yet we find ourselves in an extremely sedentary society, where people are either unable to move enough or choose not to. On the show today to talk about her work on the subject is Katy Bowman. Her numerous books are helping to change the way we look at and think about movement and its role in contemporary life.