Is it possible to create an effective economic system where life is at the center? In this conversation, we explore the possibilities with Marjorie Kelly. A thought leader in next-generation enterprise design, employee ownership, impact investing, and building a community-rooted democratic economy, Marjorie is a distinguished senior fellow at the Democracy Collaborative and the author of four books.
Garrett Bucks: The Right Kind of White
Is there a ‘right way’ to approach whiteness? In this conversation with Garrett Bucks, author of The Right Kind of White and Founder of Barnraisers, we dissect the impact of attitudes of white saviorism on authentic relationships.
Hugues Sygney Jr.: Businesses for Change
Due to their unique positions, businesses have a better chance of making a lasting impact on their communities compared to NGOs, governments, or other entities that promise help that ultimately, never arrives. Hugues Sygney Jr. from B Lab United States & Canada has made it his mission to bridge the divide between businesses and the communities that desperately need their help, and he joins us today to share his story.
Denise Hearn: Embodied Economics, Antitrust, and Changing the Profit Paradigm
When antitrust laws were first established in America, they functioned as a direct assertion that private institutions and individuals should not control democracy. But what is the state of competition and antitrust today? And what are the tools we have at our disposal to curb the most egregious excesses of private firms? Here to help us unpack the complex topic is Denise Hearn, a writer, applied researcher, and advisor specializing in how economic power and paradigms shape our world.
Andrew Gibbons: Tools For Self-Connection
What if the Next Economy started with self-connection? During this episode, Feldenkrais practitioner Andrew Gibbons joins us for the first installment of our culture series. Sharing his experience of discovering, implementing, and learning to teach the Feldenkrais Methodology, Andrew offers a deep dive into the world of changing behavior and coordination through slow and intentional movement.
Lama Rod Owens: Love, Activism, and Becoming a Spiritual Warrior
Embarking on a journey of self-discovery requires sacrifice and, unfortunately, far too many of us lack the time or space to pursue it. But what if we could rely on our communities and one another for support? Joining us today to help us unpack this topic is Lama Rod Owens as we explore love, activism, and what it means to be a spiritual warrior.
Roxy Manning: The Antiracist Heart, Nonviolent Communication, and Learning to Practice Compassion
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Doing the urgent work of dismantling white supremacy and capitalism is an overwhelming task that cannot be achieved alone. But how do we find healing and connection within our communities and move forward when there is so much hurt to be overcome? Joining us today to help unpack this nuanced and urgent topic is Roxy Manning, Ph.D. — an Antiracist, Nonviolent communication (NVC) speaker, consultant, and psychologist.
Roxy is the author of two highly relevant books, The Antiracist Heart: A Self-Compassion and Activism Handbook and How to Have Antiracist Conversations: Embracing Our Full Humanity to Challenge White Supremacy. Drawing on over twenty years of experience in nonviolent communication (NVC), she has held training and workshops around the world, engaging in the meaningful work of healing relationships within global majority communities.
In today’s conversation we delve into the nuances of nonviolent communication and learn how practicing compassion, both for ourselves and others, can combat the harmful teachings of white supremacy and capitalism. Roxy shares the powerful lessons she’s learned from her work, the challenges she continues to face, and the experiences that continue to give her hope. To hear the full scope of everything we cover today, tune in for this profound and important conversation.
Key Points From This Episode:
• Introducing Antiracist, Nonviolent communication speaker, consultant, and psychologist, Roxy Manning. [0:00:27]
• An overview of what nonviolent communication (NVC) means in different contexts. [0:04:09]
• Unpacking why the global majority community is not a monolith, and the many ways people’s needs can differ from one another. [0:07:14]
• Unknowingly internalizing insidious white supremacist beliefs; how it can pit BIPOC folks against one another; the challenge of learning how to recognize and change this. [0:08:22]
• Learning to have compassion for yourself and others; unpacking why capitalism and white supremacy harms all of us. [0:15:57]
• Roxy’s self-compassion practice and how this has helped her in life and at work. [0:24:00]
• How acknowledging our privilege can help us make connections outside of our communities. [0:27:19]
• Highlights from the work Roxy has done healing relationships within global majority communities. [0:32:09]
• Roxy’s approach to handling microaggressions within and outside of global majority communities. [0:35:17]
• What gives Roxy hope as she continues to do the hard work of anti-racism and NVC. [0:37:06]
“We're all in this together. We're all suffering from what capitalism and white supremacy has done to us.” — @roxymanningphd [0:17:18]
“Some people are more impacted, in many different ways, by the systems that we've inherited, than others. Because those systems were designed to benefit some people over others.” — @roxymanningphd [0:19:19]
“If I call you out, no matter how intensely [or] harshly I do it, I'm actually telling you, there's still a chance for connection. Because when I don't care, when I have lost all trust, or faith in you, I walk away.” — @roxymanningphd [0:27:26]
“The more that we acknowledge our own privilege and work on it, the more we can actually have the kinds of connections outside of our communities that we want.” — @roxymanningphd [0:29:39]
“If we are always punishing the other when they do something to us, we're reinforcing that message that we have to punish ourselves in order to motivate our own change. That's problematic.” — @roxymanningphd [0:32:00]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Roxy Manning:
Antiracist Conversations:
Roxy Manning on X:
Roxy Manning on LinkedIn:
Roxy Manning Books:
The Antiracist Heart: A Self-Compassion and Activism Handbook:
How to Have Antiracist Conversations: Embracing Our Full Humanity to Challenge White Supremacy:
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Communicate Authentically and Courageously: Culture Offerings Workshop Series
We’re excited to announce that Phoenix’s Culture Offerings spring workshops are now open! These workshops are designed to transform the way we communicate in our workplaces by focusing on skills like collaboration, conflict resolution, and empathy. We'll cover topics such as how to have difficult conversations with confidence and creativity, how to process challenging emotions, and how to embody our values when advocating for justice.
Registration for the spring Culture Offerings series is now open — the four workshops include:
Surfing Workplace Waves 🌊: learn how to surf the ups and downs of your workplace with more ease and confidence.
Offering Feedback In The Workplace 💬: this two-part workshop utilizes NVC tools to offer feedback in a way that is authentic, honest and helpful.
Staying Grounded Under Fire 🔥: learn how to receive challenging interactions with more ease and playfulness utilizing NVC tools and technique.
How To Have Conversations About Racial Justice 📣: navigate complex racial justice conversations with skills that foster connection in high stakes situations in this two-part workshop.
We believe that these trainings are essential for anyone looking to transition to the Next Economy. And, as a special offer for our valued community, we're providing a 10% discount on individual workshops or the entire series with the code LIFTCULT10OFF.
Show Notes + Other Links
For detailed show notes and interviews with past guests, please visit
If you enjoy Next Economy Now, please consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify — it really helps folks interested in Next Economy work discover our show.
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Music by Chris Zabriskie:
Culture Offerings with Phoenix Soleil: The Journey to Nonviolent Communication
What if honing the skill of self-compassion was an entry point to better communicate with, understand, and connect with others? Today, Haitian-American artist, activist, and educator Phoenix Soleil joins us to explore the concept of nonviolent communication and its impact on relationships.
Kat Taylor: Banking to Benefit the Future
Kat Taylor works in service of restoring social justice to environmental well-being, to build a more equitable and inclusive world. She is a co-founder of Beneficial State Bank and Radicle Impact Partners venture fund and Founding Director of TomKat Ranch Educational Foundation. She joins us today to explore the scientific and business cases for regenerative agriculture and its role in restoring our world.
Clay Brown: Transforming the Global Economy to Benefit All People, Communities, and the Planet
Today, we’re joined by Clay Brown from B Lab Global to discuss how we can transform the global economy from a system that profits a few to one that benefits all people, communities, and the planet.
Ed Mitzen: Rebuilding Left-Behind Communities
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What is the best way to help rebuild communities that have been left behind and forgotten? And is it necessary to throw out the manual and rather bring new ideas and fresh perspectives? To help answer these questions, we are joined today by the Founder and CEO of The Fingerpaint Group, Ed Mitzen.
The Fingerpaint Group is a full-service healthcare marketing firm aimed at improving the lives of those who need it most, and it has a new little sister which was also founded by Ed and his wife Lisa: Business for Good – on a mission to invest in people to build better businesses, stronger communities, and a more equitable world.
In today’s conversation, we learn about Ed’s unique ecosystem approach to philanthropy, how to identify and prioritize the help that is needed most, what you need to know and understand before seeking to help previously disadvantaged communities, the value of building relationships, the importance of teaching people how to problem-solve, and so much more!
Key Points From This Episode:
• Introducing Philanthropist, Executive Author, Entrepreneur, and Founder and CEO of The Fingerpaint Group, Ed Mitzen. [00:31]
• Ed's professional background, and how he got involved in the work he does today. [01:06]
• Insight into Ed's unique approach to philanthropy. [02:43]
• Business for Good: the business side of philanthropy. [05:05]
• What Ed has learned so far from his ecosystem approach to helping others. [07:44]
• How to identify and prioritize the work that needs to be done in a neglected ecosystem. [10:25]
• The inroads that Ed and his team have made in improving healthcare for others. [14:45]
• Other requirements and considerations for rebuilding left-behind communities. [16:20]
• The story behind Wealthy and White, and what Ed hopes readers will gain from it. [17:56]
• How he navigates failure as an entrepreneur and mentor. [21:30]
• The value of building strong relationships, and how to go about it. [24:25]
• Unpacking the reciprocity of gifting. [26:01]
• How Ed teaches problem-solving, and the importance of learning this skill. [27:13]
• The biggest challenges he faces at work today and how he overcomes them. [28:41]
“We're not going to solve hunger with more food pantries; we need to get people up the income curve – good paying jobs, good healthcare – and that will help eradicate a lot of the challenges that societies face.” — Ed Mitzen [0:02:16]
“Nowadays, people want to come and work for companies that they know are trying to make the world a better place.” — Ed Mitzen [0:03:04]
“[We're] trying to use our entrepreneurial skills to help people in left-behind communities start or grow their companies.” — Ed Mitzen [0:05:38]
“I'm trying to show other white business owners that there's other ways to help besides just writing a cheque.” — Ed Mitzen [0:13:37]
“Healthcare is a tough one. We've tried to do what we can, but the whole system is a bit of a mess.” — Ed Mitzen [0:15:51]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Ed Mitzen:
Lisa Mitzen on LinkedIn:
The Fingerpaint Group:
Business for Good:
Wealthy and White:
Albany Black Chamber of Commerce:
Goldman Sachs:
Albany Medical Center:
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Interested in receiving the latest news from the Next Economy? Sign up for our newsletter and receive monthly tips, advice, and resources from our team and partners:
Dive Deeper With The Next Economy MBA
Interested in exploring Next Economy principles in a community of practice with other entrepreneurs, changemakers, and impact leaders? Offered in the spring and fall, the Next Economy MBA is a nine-month online course for folks who want to learn key business fundamentals (e.g. vision, culture, strategy, and operations) from an equitable, inclusive, and regenerative perspective.
Join the growing global network of 500+ alumni who are catalyzing a global shift towards an economy that works for all life. Learn more and sign up for news about upcoming cohorts:
Show Notes + Other Links
For detailed show notes and interviews with past guests, please visit
If you enjoy Next Economy Now, please consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify — it really helps folks interested in Next Economy work discover our show.
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Music by Chris Zabriskie:
Vivek George: Building Sustainability With Co-Ops
Vivek George is a founding member and chief catalyst at Yuti Co-op, a sustainable marketplace that is owned by its workers and community. As a company, its mission is to help consumers by giving them a sustainable alternative that they can access and afford. In our conversation, Vivek breaks down the principles that Yuti Co-op was founded on and gives a detailed account of how multi-stakeholder companies like Yuti Co-op can address issues around sustainability, democracy, and inequality.
Joshua Prieto: Impact Entrepreneurs Building Regenerative Economies
Imagine a world where global economies are no longer extractive or exploitative, where economies are tied to local bioregions, and enterprises are designed around regenerative business systems. Today, we are joined by Joshua Prieto, Co-Founder and Director of Seeds of Tao, to find out how to make this world a reality.
Maryam Ahmed: DEI in Food and Wine
Diverse perspectives enable decision-makers to better serve all the people within their orbit. Maryam Ahmed is an entrepreneur, speaker, writer, and activist immersed in the world of food and wine and during this conversation, we discuss how her lived experience informs her incredible work to improve diversity and equality in the industry.
Jakada Imani: Management in a Changing World
Conflict resolution is a sensitive topic containing many nuances, and, should you need some help on the matter, look no further than today’s conversation as Jakada graciously delivers a lesson on how to handle conflict and toxic behavior in the workplace.
Bernard Harcourt: Coöperism: A Positive Vision for Addressing Urgent Challenges
Contemporary critical theorist, legal advocate, and author Bernard Harcourt has developed a transformative theory and practice that builds on global models of successful cooperation. His new book, Cooperation: A Political, Economic, and Social Theory, provides a positive vision for addressing some of the world’s most urgent challenges. In it, Bernard shows that by drawing on “the power of people working together,” a new world of cooperation democracy is within our grasp, one that promotes the equitable distribution of wealth, replaces the punitive punishment paradigm with a cooperation paradigm, and ensures the future of our planet.
Paul Zelizer: Opportunity and Impact
In today’s episode, we host Paul Zelizer, a social entrepreneur and executive coach for impact leaders. His wealth of experience also extends to hosting the Awarepreneurs Podcast, directing social media for Wisdom 2.0, and pioneering a men’s center in New Mexico.
Aseem Das and Janae Lloyd: How World Centric Serves People and Planet
What if you didn’t have to choose between generating profits and facilitating change? World Centric is on a dual mission to support sustainable practices and empower communities experiencing poverty. CEO Aseem Das and Director of Impact Janae Lloyd join us in conversation to discuss World Centric’s unique model and ongoing evolution.
Ron Carucci: White Men for Racial Justice
Today, we chat with the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Navalent, Ron Carucci. Navalent is a consulting firm that offers executive coaching and consulting for senior leaders to solve organizational problems at the source. Ron’s 30-plus years of experience in helping executives with transformational change at their organizations has seen him become a juggernaut in the field, and a prolific author as well!
Garrett Neiman: Rich White Men and the Path to Equity
In this compelling and thought-provoking episode, we have the privilege of sitting down with Garrett Neiman, a Nonprofit Entrepreneur & Social Justice Writer, to delve deep into the themes of his latest book, Rich White Men, and the role that white men can play in constructing an equitable society. As a prominent voice in the realm of social justice, Garrett has dedicated his life to shedding light on the issues of privilege, power, and inequality. His book challenges conventional notions and provides valuable insights into the role that white men can play as allies in dismantling systemic barriers and creating a more inclusive world.